So I've started a blog, obviously. Some quick things about me that you may or may not know:
-I'm Vietnamese.
-I'm a rising senior at TCNJ.
-My sister is in Viet Nam until September 5. If you want to read about her travels and adventures, visit
-Currently spending the summer interning and working full-time at PF Chang's and enjoying it so far!
-My name means orchid in Vietnamese (hence, the title of the blog).
-One of my ultimate goals in life is to visit all seven continents. I've been to three so far.
-Music has been a huge part of my life for the past 16 years, and is something that I love in so many different aspects.
I hope you enjoy my thoughts and ramblings, and thanks for reading.
Bye, Typepad.
10 years ago
only half your name means orchid sucka